
Now that I’m a writer n’all, my intention is to bring inspiring stories to the world of regular, ordinary people who have something they’d like to share, even some ‘real’ stories of my own. My hope is to change some lives, and maybe (if I may be so bold), to save a life or two along the way. My story isn’t glamorous to me and my feelings are that it’s full of much disappointment and failure. To some it’s full of many successes and inspiration. We all are our own worst critics. Let me share that as soon as I would begin to experience success, I’d walk away or sabotage it in some way — over n over n over again! Bottom line, I didn’t feel I deserved success, and to top it off, I felt if I had too much success, I’d have no more friends (divorce cures this). I’d be looked at through a magnifying glass (grown children cover this), judged and re-judged (society does this). Feeding in to societies BS, I have been afraid to share me, and more afraid to ‘be’ me. ...