
Attitude is Everything! Sick of hearing it? Me too, until a particular moment. A moment several years ago when a high school student was in my “Key Club”. For those of you that don’t know what Key Club is, it’s run by your local Kiwanis Chapter for High School Students. Students volunteer for many projects and the chapter I was involved in was focused on helping kids with cancer, leukemia, etc. We’d go to OHSU in Oregon every year for a talk/presentation to explain what the money was used for that we were raising. It was a sad experience to hear the youngsters' stories and their families who were living with dis-ease. Yet, every year, I’d get back into the car with six (6) students who’d ride with me and I’d ask, “Would anyone like to share what today meant to them?” Every year, one student would have an ‘ah-ha’ moment and it would forever change their life in a positive direction. One year a soph...