Setting Yourself Up For Failure

What a beautiful way to set yourself up for Failure... Books are near impossible to live up to! I started when I was 19 going to seminars and reading positive & ‘self-help’ books,. What the seminars and books had forgotten to tell me that if I followed through with every word they teach, I could possibly walk on water! “Think positive and you can achieve anything you set your mind to!” By the way, that’s complete bullshit! “Believe it and you’ll achieve it”—missing something! Think it ALL you wish, if you don’t create ACTION, it ain’t going to happen. (Yes, I typed ain’t!) None the less, below is some pretty great stuff. I had it plastered all over my walls and my refrigerator for years and I miss it sometimes. Below are a few of my favorite quotes from some authors I’ve admired and/or who have inspired parts of my life to what it is today. I’ve also included some book recommendations that will be worth your ti...