Being Sick Changes Your Mind

Recently, I received a bladder infection from the cells of my body. Rightfully so, I wasn’t treating them very nice, nor was I giving them enough tools to continually do what I ask of them. (To the souls of my cells, I’m sorry.) I can be going along fine and they give me my first burning urine as a warning, to which I reply, “This isn’t good”. My body’s history is this - if I’m not to the doctors within 4-5 hours, I’ve got a full-blown kidney infection that can put me in the hospital. Oh shit! This time, I had no car, none of the neighbors were home and all I had was a bicycle. The nearest doctor was probably a 10-15 minute bike ride away. Not bad when you are well, but when you got burning between your legs and it’s hard to walk... I may as well of had a covered wagon and had to get to California from Oregon. I began to panic, then the little voice in my head, said “ask Google...