Be Careful What You Ask For
Recently, a friend of mine was struggling with a major decision in his life. In my opinion, he’s been struggling for some time. See—he and I met because I wanted to sign up for his Qi Gong certification class in Portland. Our first introduction was over the phone, he said he didn’t have a location yet. I said, “I do, can we trade cost of tuition for my location?” “Maybe”, he replied. To which I said, “Of course, you’ve got to see the place first.” That was last October 2016.
We came to an
agreement and he was going to teach in Portland, at my place in January…March…then
I heard nothing, until last month, August. It was very frustrating and my life began to
move in different directions, I couldn’t count on anything regarding him.
Please understand, I have much respect for this individual and am grateful for
his expertise; in fact, he has helped me physically and mentally by teaching me
simple Qi Gong.
August 23rd -- Text from him: Missed that opportunity! Sorry to leave you
hanging. After a major highway accident
that totaled my car, no one hurt at all, my computer is back from the factory
and running OK, and I’m ready to settle down to new dates and outreach for the
Wait! What?
Car accident, computer, what? So
much on my mind that day and appointments….everyone’s OK, all good.
August 31st.
-- Text from me: BTW! I was completely
insensitive to your highway accident. What happened?
His reply: The car accident turns out to have been an
extremely positive development, the way "bad" things can be. Big
shift in my psyche, good pay off for my totaled car, and I was able to buy a 3
1/2 year-old Prius that I like to drive. The
message of the accident/learning is about modesty and humility probably. Five seconds before it happened I prayed to
be shown "heaven's will" about a major decision I was facing.
I got my answer! Stop! Pay attention! …Doing
more service now.
Be careful what you ask for! And, have gratitude for the answers you get.
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