Hell, On Earth…

Earth, “Hell”, I call it. Most religious organizations think of hell as a burning inferno place where sinners go after they die. The metaphor of a burning inferno is somewhat accurate in my mind, as you will see in this description of Hell, On Earth in my story. Earth is the place where humans can feel pain, emotions, experience dis-ease, suffering, joy, pleasure, and love. (In all the dimensions, Earth is the only place this can be experienced. “ Akashic Records ” by Lois J. Wetzel) Recently I learned that I have a choice (a choice) to come back earth or not. I have chosen time and time again to come back here to learn lessons, to evolve, to serve humanity, and for humanity to serve me. I’ve also discovered we come back with soul families, ya know what, I’ve been with the same soul family for the past 20 lifetimes. The interesting thing is, we have written a series of contracts together, to learn and evolve. Som...